
A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon, the last portion of your food processing chain.
Gastroenterologist, Dr. Anthony Bassler, tells his colleagues, "Every physician should realize that the intestinal toxemia (poisons) are the most important primary and contributing
causes of many disorders and the diseases of the human body."
Many health challenges can be related to organism infestation, improper digestion of
food, and inadequate care of our bowels. Our bodies come with a complete system of checks and balances
to determine which substances are useful and which are waste. However, our environment and lifestyles have compromised, and in most cases, damaged the quality of this system
to do an adequate job of protecting us from illness and disease.
Herbal cleansing may help decrease the risks of developing certain health problems.
Many people who are affected by various health conditions have found that cleansing and nutritional supplementation can help their body rejuvenate itself naturally.
According to the Royal Society of Medicine of
Great Britain, "More than 65 different health challenges are caused by a toxic colon."
"Other prominent physicians agree with me; that in human history, the organism challenge is likely the most
unrecognized of all endemic problems. Because they cannot be seen and rarely present immediate symptoms, they remain invisible as a cause or contributing factor
to what can be a serious disorder."
- Dr. Ross Andersen, N.D.
"In terms of numbers there are more parasitic infections acquired in this country than in Africa."
- Dr. Frank Nova, Chief of the Laboratory for Parasitic Diseases of the National Institute of Health.
In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of organism living in their bodies.
Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%.
If you think organism infections are rare conditions only in poor, undeveloped countries, think again. According to Dr. Theodore Nash at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland "parasitic infections are a major cause of illness in North America".
Invading organism are said to affect a large percentage of our population, causing many symptoms often blamed on other conditions.
Our mission is to help people by educating them about the potential causes of declining health.
Our vision is based on increased awareness and a commitment to helping others live a healthier lifestyle.
Click on any of the links for more information on the benefits and the effectiveness
of each of the individual products.
The Essential Health - Cleansing Programs
Essential Health - Individual Products:


Tino Ultimate Probiotic Blend. Eradicates the Candida-Growth Factory.
MSRP: $34.95
$29.95 (30 Day Supply) 90 Veg Capsules
GenEssentials™ Probiotic is the only probiotic available with fermented superfoods and fortified with FOS (Fructooligosaccharides),
a type of prebiotic that supports healthy intestinal microflora. Our superior blend contains no animal sources and includes 13 beneficial strains of health-promoting bacteria.
The combination of probiotic bacteria with sprouted greens and fermented fruits and vegetables helps encourage a healthy intestinal environment,
which supports healthy digestion, optimal absorption of nutrients, and healthy elimination. GenEssentials Probiotic contains only natural, plant-based ingredients in a shelf-stable, enteric-coated capsule.
This formula is 100% vegetarian, non-GMO and completely free of gluten, dairy, lactose, soy, corn, and psyllium.
Through these selected products, we are providing families
across North America (and their pets) with universal answers to complicated and often
frustrating health challenges. Unparalleled in the industry, The LifeTree.com is
informing people everywhere to the benefits of better health and nutrition through innovative
problem solving and time-tested herbal wisdom. Browse through the above links to learn more about
these exciting products or powerful combination kit cleansing health solutions.
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Note: The statements contained on this website have not been reviewed or approved
by the Food and Drug Administration for their validity. Nothing contained on this
site is meant to infer or state that the products are for the treatment of any disease
or ailment. Always consult with your physician if you experience any medical problems.
References and additional information:
- Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management"
- Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. "Nature Has a Remedy"
- Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. "Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care"
- Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. "Dr. Jensen's Guide to Diet and Detoxification"
- Dr. Norman W. Walker, D. SC., PhD. "Colon Health Key to Vibrant Life"
- Dr. John R. Christopher "Dr. Christopher's Guide to Colon Health"
- Robert Gray "Colon Health Handbook"
- Elizabeth Lipski, Jeffrey S. Bland "Digestive Wellness"
- Louise Tenney, Deanne Tenney "The Natural Guide to Colon Health"
- Sandra Duggan "Guide to Colon Care: The First Step to Vibrant Health"
- Stanley Weinberger "Complete Colon Health Guide"
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Ohio State University, Biological Sciences
- Skye Weintraub, ND "The Parasite Menace""; Woodland Publishing 2000
- Ann Louise Gittleman, MS, CNS "Guess What Came To Dinner?"; Avery 2001
- Valerie Saxion "Everybody Has Parasites"; Bronze Bow Publishing 2003
- Skye Weintraub "The Parasite Menace"; March 1998
- Roger M. Knutson "Fearsome Fauna: A Field Guide to the Creatures That Live in You"
- Carl Zimmer "Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures"
- Paavo Airola, ND, PhD "How To Get Well"; Health Plus Publishers
- Nicholas Culpepper "Culpepper's Complete Herbal"; Omega 1985
- Penny C. Royal "Herbally Yours"; Sound Nutrition 1982
- James F. Balch, MD "Prescription For Nutritional Healing"; Sound Nutrition 1997
- Alma R. Hutchens "Indian Herbology of North America"; Merco 1973
- Discover Magazine; August 2000 Edition
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